You Can Reclaim Your Life

It can be very lonely living with mental ill-health or being in a difficult relationship. These classes have been designed to provide you, or someone you know, with more skills to deal with some of the most common stresses in life. You’ll leave each session armed with useful prevention and coping strategies.

Workshops are for groups of six or more. They can be delivered as outlined below, or customised to specific concerns. So whether you represent a group of people who want to learn new skills or  you’re interested in joining a group, contact me today.

Topic Reasons to attend
Living with Anxiety 1 in 4 people will experience anxiety in their lifetime. Anxiety is a normal part of life. Excessive anxiety is the most common form of mental ill-health which a quarter of Australians will experience in their lives. In this class, you’ll learn how to spot the signs and seek relief.
Living with Depression

1 in 6 people will experience depression at some time in their lives.

Noticing the symptoms of depression means you can learn to manage it in yourself. Or you can support others who need your help. Class participants will learn to how to spot the signs and seek relief.

Coping with Grief and Loss Grief can be experienced with any loss and can affect all areas of your life.

Grief is very personal with some experiencing the different stages more intensely than others, and at different times. You’ll learn about the different responses to grief. And you’ll walk away with practical ways to manage your own grief, and support others in theirs.

Relationship Conflict Part 1: Working through Relationship and Family Conflict

Conflict in relationship is normal and to be expected. How we manage that conflict can have a positive or negative impact on our life.

Relationship conflict occurs when there are differences of opinion, beliefs or values. Having different views does not mean someone is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. It’s how we manage those difference that make for an easier relationship. By the end of this class, you’ll learn how to better communicate, negotiate and compromise when things get tense with partners, friends or family members.

Relationship Conflict Part 2: Managing Domestic and Family Violence One in three women will experience domestic violence at the hands of someone they know.

Domestic and family violence occurs when a person deliberately harms or controls another through threatening behaviour, physical and/or sexual violence, verbal or emotional abuse. Designed to complement Relationship Conflict Part 1, this class looks at more serious forms of interpersonal conflict, and outlines ways to keep as physically and emotionally as safe as possible.